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Zain.Common - vwContentSupportDetails

Can't browse ?

5G Broadband Can't browse

If you are facing a no browsing issue while connecting to zain 5G broadband, please make sure to check the following steps:

  1. Your Line must be active.

  2. Your quota must be enough.

  3. If you are using VPN, please disable the app.
  4. IF the issue is on all devices, restart the router.
  5. If the issue is on one app, re download the app. If not solved, then refer to the same app or website.
  6. IF more than one website reset the device, change browser, and change network mode to 5G only for indoor and MiFi devices.
  7. Still not solved? Please contact us. ​

4G Broadband Can't browse

If you are facing a no browsing issue while connecting to zain 4G broadband, please make sure to check the following steps:

  1. Your Line must be active.

  2. Your quota must be enough.

  3. The WIFI signal must be shown on your device.

  4. If you are using VPN, please disable the app.
  5. Make sure that your package is supported in your current location.
  6. IF the issue is on all devices, restart the router.
  7. If the issue is on one app, re download the app. If not solved, then refer to the same app or website.
  8. IF more than one website reset the device, change browser, and change network mode to 4G only.​

  9. ​​Still not solved? Please contact us.​


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