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Your line has been stolen or lost ?

If your device has been stolen or lost, then there are three things you can do immediately to help protect your data and stop unauthorized charges:

1.   Change your passwords.

  • Instantly change the password for any email, bank, or social media account.

2.   Use Device Finder

3.   Most devices have a built-in tool to help you find it if lost/stolen, and it goes by a few different names - for example, Apple calls it "Find my" and Samsung calls it "Find my Device".

4.   If Device Finder is enabled on your device, we recommend using it now to remotely lock and wipe your device. This prevents thieves from accessing data on your device, such as bank card information, passwords, and photos.

5.   You can refer to the user guide of the phone to check how to use the service.

6.   Report your stolen/lost device.

  • You can disconnect it by zain website through My account.
  • Contact us and we will block your SIM card to prevent anyone from using it. You can visit one of our shops with your ID to issue a new SIM. ​


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